

作者:谷主2020 | 分类:游戏 | 字数:38.2万


书名:最后的秘境六死神之光 作者:谷主2020 字数:12426 更新时间:2024-10-11 09:46:01



“Little guy!You already ate a big bag!We'll starve if you eat any more.(小家伙!你已经吃一大包了!你再吃我们就要挨饿了。)”凯丽一只手推开小象,另一只手护着背包。小象一大早就翻她的背包找吃的。

“It's no **all thing. It can eat the four of us for two or three days at a meal!(它可不是什么小家伙,一餐就能吃我们四个人两三天的口粮了!)”高晓飞苦笑着说。

“But where do we get all this food for him?(可我们哪来这么多的食物给它吃?)”

“So, we must dig up some grass shoots and stalks for it to eat, otherwise we can't afford to raise it.(所以,我们必须要挖一些草芽草茎给它吃才行,不然的话可养不起它。)”

“Kelly! You give me the bayonet.(凯丽!你把刺刀给我。)”布莱特接过刺刀,拉着高晓飞道,“Come on, let's dig for the baby elephant.(走,我们给小象挖口粮去。)”

在周围巡视的问天连忙叮嘱道:“Keep your eyes open and don't go too far. The beasts of the prairie are beginning to move.(警惕着点,别走太远了,草原上的猛兽开始活动了。)”


凯丽摸了摸小象的头部,笑道:“Come on, we'll take you to your family.(走吧,我们带你找家人去。)”

“Let's go. That's the beginning of success. Let's go.(出发,就是成功的开始,走吧。)”高晓飞一拍小象的后背,笑着说,“No matter what happened yesterday, today, just do your best, go with a **ile, set sail with a dream!The road is right in front of you, but it's up to you.(不管昨天怎么样,今天,只做最好的自己,带着微笑上路,带着梦想起航!路就在眼前,但要靠你自己走。)”


高晓飞抬头看着热辣辣的阳光叹道:“Are we going in the wrong direction? Why haven't we seen the herd for days?(我们是不是走错方向了,怎么走了好几天也见不到象群?)”

布莱特摇了摇头,轻轻地拍了拍小象,说:“Don't worry, the direction can not be wrong, they have a special sense, can recognize the **ell in the population, will not get lost, just the elephant group walk fast, we can not catch up, if the elephant group in front of the water to slow down, we will be successful.(放心吧,方向不会错的,它们有特殊的感观,能够识别族群里的气味,不会迷路的;只是象群走得快,我们追不上而已。如果前面的象群找到了水源放慢脚步,我们就会迈向成功。)”

高晓飞看着小象,又好气又好笑地说:“It's the big one among the little ones!Greedy to eat greedy to sleep more greedy to play, stop it to succeed now the factor is still left with three, one is full will be sleepy, two is sleep will be hungry, three is sleep will eat full will play!(它简直就是小东西中的大家伙!贪吃贪睡更贪玩,现如今阻止它迈向成功的因素就还剩下三个,一是吃饱了会困,二是睡醒了会饿,三是睡醒吃饱了会玩!)”


“We're not hungry for it now, but we've got enough fresh water for grilled fish!(现在倒是饿不着它了,可我们的烤鱼淡水也差不多了!)”一路上,高晓飞和布莱特天天给小象挖草芽草茎,它的背上随时都保持着两捆新鲜的口粮,随时随地,饿了就吃,吃饱了又围着四人转圈子玩耍,十足就是一个顽皮捣蛋的小孩子。

“It's nearly noon now, and the carnivores are almost resting. There's a forest ahead, so let's go and take a break.(现在临近中午,食肉动物们也差不多休息了,前面有一片树林,我们过去休息一下。)”















“What are you talking about?(你们又在说什么?)”布莱特皱眉问道。他跟着高晓飞断断续续地学习了一段时间的中文,可他也只是会说几句常说的日常用语,听一些比较简单的句子而已。

高晓飞看着他笑道:“Who let you not study Chinese hard?I am such a good educational resources, but you are so ruthless waste!(谁让你不好好学习中文了?我这么好的教育资源,却要被你如此无情地浪费!)”

布莱特苦笑着摇了摇头:“Not that I don't work hard, but Chinese is definitely the most difficult language in the world.(不是我不努力,可中文绝对是世界上最难学的语言,没有之一!)”

凯丽也笑道:“Chinese is indeed one of the most difficult languages in the world to learn. In addition to being taught by my father and Tingting, I also signed up for a Chinese language class.(中文确实是世界上最难学的语言之一,当初我除了得到老爸和婷婷的教导之外,还专门报名参加了中文学习班。)”

高晓飞道:“Chinese culture, a long history, this will certainly be a little difficult;The vast five thousand years of Chinese civilization, it is the world's only uninterrupted cultural heritage!(中华文化,源远流长,这肯定会有点难度的;绵延了五千年的中华文明,那可是世界上唯一没有中断过的文化传承!)”

布莱特耸了耸肩膀,笑道:“This I must admit, as a Chinese, you must have bragging rights.(这个我肯定承认,身为中国人的你,也肯定有吹牛的资本。)”

“History must remember that civilization is always worthy of respect, but not for showing off.(历史必须铭记,文明也永远值得尊敬,但却不是用来炫耀的。)”问天接口说道,“The history of China up and down five thousand years, from Yao,Shun and Yu period began to calculate, but in the ancient times, there is no record and legend is not sure.Five thousand years is an approximate number, only to emphasize that China is an ancient civilization with a long history.(中华上下五千年的历史,是从尧舜禹时期开始算,但在上古时期,没有记载和传说的就不确定了。五千年是一个约数,只是强调中国是一个具有历史悠久的文明古国。)”


“All right, let's go, and watch out for water on the way.(好了,我们出发吧,这一路上还要多留意有没有水源。)”问天站起来背上装备。



“Hey, you see, it looks like a natural wreath in front.(嗨,你们看,前面好像是一个自然形成的花环。)”随着凯丽的声音,大家顺着她的手指往前看去,只见在暗红色的土壤上面,生长着一圈由一些不知名野花和杂草形成的圈子,像极了一个巨型的花环。

“Not just one, but over there.(不只是一个,那边还有。)”

“There's a lot more ahead!(前面还有很多!)”


“Below is a valley plain, covered with such circles. What kind of landscape is this?How is it formed?(下面是一片谷地平原,遍地都是这种圈子,这到底是什么地貌?又是怎样形成的?)”

“How spectacular!(好壮观啊!)”随着众人的惊呼声中,一眼望不到边的平原上,布满了大小不等的,以野花和杂草长成的圈子,场景非常壮观。

“Oh god! I can't believe it! How did this happen?(噢上帝!真不敢想信!这是怎样形成的地貌?)”布莱特忍不住惊呼。






“God! This should be a greater discovery than crop circles!(上帝!这应该是一个比麦田怪圈更伟大的发现!)”布莱特摊开了双手夸张地惊呼着。

“Brett!You mean, this landscape is the work of aliens?Alien tracks?(布莱特!你是说,这种地貌是外星人的杰作?是外星人留下的痕迹?)”高晓飞不可思议地问道。

布莱特耸了耸肩膀:“I don't know, but there's been a lot of debate in science about how crop circles form, and there's been a lot of debate about what causes them.(我也说不上来,可科学界对于麦田怪圈的形成一直都存在争议,关于它的成因,世人也有很多种的看法。)”

凯丽说道:“Why the aliens again?I don't think crop circles are mysterious, let alone that they are made by aliens.In Britain, where crop circles are common, many have become popular tourist attractions, generating hundreds of millions of dollars a year.So I have reason to believe that crop circles are secretly created to increase income.The so-called crop circles made by aliens are just some people's prank.(怎么又扯上外星人了?我就没觉得麦田怪圈很神秘,更不相信麦田怪圈是什么外星人制造的。在英国,麦田怪圈经常出现的地方,很多都成了热门的旅游景点,每年为当地带来数亿美元的收入。所以我有理由相信,麦田怪圈属于人为偷偷制造的,目的就是为了增加收入。所谓外星人制造的麦田怪圈,也只是某些人的恶作剧而已。)”

布莱特道:“Kelly!You may be right, but everything here is harder to explain than crop circles.(凯丽!你也许是对的,可这里的一切,相比起麦田怪圈更难解释。)”

高晓飞点了点头:“The fairy had a point!Since crop circles have nothing to do with aliens, these wreaths, of course, cannot be man-made.(仙女说得有道理!既然麦田怪圈跟外星人没有关系,那么这些花环,肯定就不可能是人为制造的了。)”

问天接口道:“Even if they're not man-made, these garlands have nothing to do with aliens.(就算不是人为的,这些花环地貌也跟外星人没有关系。)”

“But what about these natural wreaths?(可这些自然而形成的花环怪圈,又怎么解释?)”

“This large circle of terrain, perhaps is a mysterious mystery, I think, whether these garlands will also change over time, or, perhaps, this is just a geographical phenomenon in the desert.(这一大片的怪圈地貌,或许是个神秘的谜团,我想,这些花环是不是也会随着时间而改变,又或者,这只是荒漠上的一种地理现象。)”

“This is supposed to be a mysterious natural phenomenon, but what causes it?(这应该只是一种神秘的自然现象,不过,它到底又是什么成因所形成的呢?)”


“Could it be a combination of insects and plants?And created this natural wonder.(会不会是昆虫和植物的共同作用?而造就了这一自然奇观。)”凯丽若有所思地说。

“It is possible that this is the result of competition between plants for underground resources.(有这种可能,也有可能是植物之间竞争地下资源的自然结果。”问天慢慢地沿着花环转了一圈,蹲下身去,伸手拔了一根草,凝视着根系说道,“圆圈上的植物在圈内一侧的根往往大于圈外的一侧,这意味着植物特地把根置于圈内,这样推测起来,植物应该是在试图争夺地下水。)”

“Groundwater?Is the formation of this circle for the sake of groundwater?(地下水?难道这圈子形成的成因就是为了争夺地下水?)”

“This is just one of the causes, not the whole story.(这只是成因之一,应该不是成因的全部。)”


“Why are there so few animals here?(为什么这里的动物这么少?)”

问天拔起一株野花,凑近鼻子闻了闻,说道:“This is easy to explain, because there is also grass, but the variety of grass is not high, not many, and all of them form a circle. There are also a lot of wild flowers in the grass, and there is no room for too many herbivores to live here.The wild flowers are not poisonous, but the **ell is not suitable for animals to eat, so large herbivores prefer to travel long distances to find food and water, rather than wait here to starve.(这很好解释,因为这里虽然也有青草,但青草的品质不算高,数量也不多,还都形成了圈子,青草之中还夹带生长着很多的野花,根本就容不下太多的食草动物在这里生存;而这种野花虽然没有毒,但香味不合适动物吃,所以,大型的食草动物种群宁愿长途跋涉去远方寻找食物水源,也不愿意守候在这里挨饿。)”

凯丽点了点头,说道:“Do you see that the size of the wreath, the density and degree of land occupation, are all related to the amount of resources available?(你们看,这花环的大小、占有土地的密度和程度,是否都与可获得的资源量有关?)”

布莱特道:“If there are abundant resources, such as soil nutrition and water, the garland is **aller, and vice versa.(如果说,具有较丰富的资源,例如,泥土营养和水源充足,那么花环就较小,反之就较大。)”

高晓飞点头道:“Good point!It looks like this, you see, the big circle seems to be dry, and the **all circle seems not so dry.(有道理!好像就是这样的,你们看,大圈子就好像很干燥,而小圈子却好像没那么干燥。)”

“If there is already water and nutrients under the soil, the plants do not need a large reservoir to survive.On the other hand, if the soil is deficient in water and nutrients, it is impossible for the plant to sustain itself and grow.(如果土壤下已经有水和营养物质,那么植物就不需要较大的资源蓄水来存活。另一方面,如果泥土的水份和营养物质较为匮乏,那么植物就不可能维持自身而生长。)”

问天若有所思,点头道:“It only explains the growth of the plants, but it doesn't explain the shape of the garland, or as Kelly puts it, the combination of insects and plants that creates this natural wonder.(这只是解释了植物生长的状况,但这花环地貌的形成却分析不出来,或者就如凯丽所说的,是昆虫和植物的共同作用,而造就了这一自然奇观。)”

高晓飞默默地点头道:“Is it rain or climate change that determines the distribution of the wreaths? If there is more rain, the plants will slow down the competition for resources, and the wreaths will close.If there is too little rain, the competition will become so fierce that the garland will expand and even disappear again.(是不是降雨或气候变化的原因,决定了这里花环的分布?如果降雨多,植物将减缓对资源的竞争,这些花环就会关闭;如果降雨太少,竞争将变得异常激烈,花环就会扩大甚至再次消失。)”

“With reason(有道理!)”布莱特分析道,“Because the wreaths appear in such a narrow range of humidity, the difference in annual rainfall is bound to cause them to disappear suddenly and reappear suddenly.(由于花环出现在这样狭窄的湿度范围内,每年降雨量的差别,肯定会导致它们忽然消失和忽然再次出现。)”

凯丽笑道:“That seems to be the case. It's a combination of insects and plants that create this natural landscape. Under the land, there's an insect that needs to wet the soil.The regular spacing between the wreaths may be the result of intra-circle competition, with plants in each ring competing with plants in the other for resources.(好像就是这样了,是昆虫和植物的共同作用,而造就这一自然景观,土地之下生活了一种需要湿润土壤的昆虫,导致了植物不能生长;而花环之间的规则间隔,可能就是圈内竞争的结果,每一个圈内的植物与其它圈的植物为了资源而竞争。)”

高晓飞若有所思地说道:“The competition among plants for resources is nothing more than water and nutrients. Is there really water under the plants in this circle?(植物之间的资源竞争,无非就是水和营养物质,难道,这圈子植物的下面,真的有水源?)”

布莱特想了想,疑惑地说道:“Is that the point?(好像是说到重点了?)”

问天笑道:“Yeah, that's the point!(对,是说到重点了!)”


布莱特连忙说道:“Kelly! Give me the bayonet.(凯丽!把刺刀给我。)”


问天点头道:“It should not be wrong, the soil in this area of the growth of these insects, which also create a unique landscape, and these insects themselves are a nutrient, between the plant and soil interdependence, forming a mutually beneficial survival chain, this is the magic of nature.(应该不会错了,这个区域的土壤里生长了这种小虫子,也就造成了这片独特的地貌景观,而这些虫子本身也是一种营养成分,在植物和土壤之间相互依赖,形成了一条互通互利的生存链,这就是大自然的神奇之处。)”








