

作者:巧姐儿张 | 分类:游戏 | 字数:31.9万

第三十五章 最后的时刻(上)

书名:双语生命隧道 作者:巧姐儿张 字数:15169 更新时间:2024-10-11 09:45:58



Chapter 35 The Last Moment(A)

Since Emily left for two days, Clark hadn't been away from the studio of police headquarters. He was through the sapphire camera to know it all, as well as on the scene. Emily after the work, also he can't rest, because he must arrange to formulate the final action plan for the Woodpecker Plan.

It solves the problem of the headquarters of the Bethe Douglas Company, what the difficulty is much **aller. As long as the police surrounds the company from the air and ground divided two-branch, all the suspects are the sitting duck.


The possibility of divulging information is almost equal zero, because it will take communication interference after the battle began of Nicholas island, therefore the operations that for the headquarters of the Bethe Douglas Company are still on time after the normal work. The task that the relative difficulty is not great, can be passed on the local police authority to enforce, so Clarke does not need to hold too much thinking.


But about Nicholas island of the difficulty that will be much bigger, therefore, Clark took some brains. This afternoon, he finally learned that the headquarters has been to approve of his proposals for assaulting Nicholas island. The staff who worked under Colonel Quitman evolved a set of operation plan that has been approved by the relevant departments of the White House.


The plan decides to build two commandos who are asked into action sneak on the Nicholas island at night of 23:30 before the main force landed on the next day. The first team is with a total of 60 persons which include 18 fighters will control to occupy the enemy's headquarters, or destroy them; the rest of the team is divided into 14 fighting groups who are asked to control the important figure of the island, every group is responsible for one or two goals, to capture or to kill it. The second team have persons that total of 12 ones, and their mission is to occupy The Tunnel of Life.


The battle is divided into two stages. The first stage, the commandos into the island and get to the specified location before fighting began, according to the scheduled time to complete the stipulated tasks in the plan. The second stage, two battalions of the Marine corps landing to the north island from two sides of east and west beach; the other by a company occupies all of the south island. The attack time is at 5 o’clock before dawn.



Time is running, and the teams will start tonight, hence Clark must leave his studio in the police station, to go the fleet which just was going to the sea area of the Nicholas island. Marshall stayed in charge for the harmony the police force of Augustine Director to close the Bethe Douglas Company headquarters in the next day.

Clark aboard a helicopter in the late afternoon, caught up with the fleet that was to move for the south. The helicopter flew around the fleet to a lap later, was allowed to land on the flight deck of the Nassau.


Nassau is an amphibious assault ship that is possessed the comprehensive performance such as for attack, transport, and command to landing and so on, the full load displacement of nearly forty thousand tons. Starboard side of the ship is the all-pass of flight deck, and the other side is the island superstructure, with a similar shape as aircraft carrier. Flight deck can park nine large-scale helicopters at the same time. The nine after take-off, the second batch of planes can quickly move to the specified location on standby. It can accommodate 30 helicopters in the hangar.



In addition, the ship also has landing craft, vehicles, and a large number of materials, as well as two thousand marines. There is a dock in the stern for parking the landing craft. When landing ship to set sail or back to the ship, the ballast tank is to waterflood and the stern to sink, then opened the door of poop and the landing craft can move freely to access.

Clark jumped out of the helicopter to meet Mr Knight in the war room of the headquarters, Colonel Quitman and Commander Rear Admiral Frye of Navy, Commander Marine Corps Colonel Drake et al. After a friendly conversation, Mr Knight alone to Clark said: ’The written report and video data of you sent that I've already seen it, also your person is very capable.’




‘However, I am very worried about her safety.’ Clark said.

‘I can understand.’

‘I wish everything could be safe in the past.’




‘Do you know why let you personally to lead second team?’

‘To protect the security of expatriate personnel with all strength.’

‘This is on the one hand, more important is: Senior White House asks we should save the personnel and equipment of The Tunnel of Life as far as possible intactly, because their technology more than us.’



‘I understand!’

Mr Knight looked at the watch said: ‘Now there are five hours to twenty three thirty, considering in the night also you want to lead the second team to perform the task, therefore you may go to sleep for a while! I grasp the time for you.’




‘This evening, it still has four hours of the overtime with Emily, what according to the operation plan of The Tunnel of Life, if no accident, then to the end of the night ten thirty. Emily and I agreed that twenty three o'clock in the night to contact for the last time.’

‘OK! Then I call you up before twenty three o'clock.’

After the speaking Mr Knight let Clark in a cabin where there is a bed.


Clark lay in bed to feel the assault ship slightly shaking. He thought: What does Emily is doing now? Probably she is in Gove there helping to control the computer, or to work processing body in the background, as long as a few hours can safely through, tomorrow, all it will come to an end. ...... He was tired to fall asleep without knowing.


The fleet that headed by Nassau including a missile destroyer and two frigates which have reached the predetermined sea area, to join to nuclear-powered attack submarine named as Los Angeles that antedating for executes surveillance mission in Nicholas island.


Mr Knight came to the combat readiness of cabin that is under the flight deck, here, seventy-two commandos have been selected. The first team led by Captain Troy, Second Lieutenant Ford special operation group is responsible for the attack on the enemy headquarters. The second team led by Second Lieutenant Doyle. All personnel equipped with powerful weapons that include the guns of length and pistol, as well as equipment for nighttime operation. Each combat group conducted simulation exercises with the environmental conditions of combat areas, and again to check their objects and the location that the targets may occur.



Everything was ready, the commandos would be straight to thrust into Nicholas island, just waiting for the order of headquarters. Mr Knight looked at the watch that it was twenty two thirty-five, and he should go to wake Clark.

When Mr Knight to the cabin that Clark of the rest, but Clark had got up. He dressed in combat gear, waist with his beloved pistol that is in 9 mm aperture of type Clock17 and a light-duty assault rifle slung over one shoulder. Mr Knight saw him out of the door then asked: ‘How do you sleep?’




‘Sleep for a while.’ Clark touched his forehead with fingers and said, ‘In the end, however, had a nightmare that was intimidated me in a cold sweat.’

‘There is the result?’

‘No, not yet.’




‘That is to say you need to work on!’

‘Yes, of course.’ Clark **iled at Mr Knight and said. ‘The time to call with Emily is coming, we have to hurry up.’

Clark washed face in cold water to let himself sober awake, then follow Mr Knight to communications center of amphibious assault ship.






This was twenty three o’clock, the telecommunications system of ship timely connected the wireless phone that Emily to call.

‘Songbird calls woodpecker!’ This was Emily's voice.

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‘I am the woodpecker!’ Clark said.

‘Please speak woodpecker.’

‘The final woodpecker takes off tonight at thirty past twenty three.’


‘Falcon is near Songbird! Falcon is near Songbird!’ It didn't know why Emily alarmed suddenly, telephone was so abruptly to hang up, now Emily maybe encountered the danger. The atmosphere of the communications center immediately strained.

As the second past, the time that it already arrived at ten past 时间如一秒一秒地过去了,已经到了二十三点十分,还不见对方恢复通话,克拉克焦急地皱紧了眉头。


As the second past, the time that it already arrived at ten past twenty three, but the phone still can not restore on, Clark anxiously tensed brows.

The time had been fifteen past twenty three, but it was no reaction, so Clark thought: ‘Oh, Emily must meet the danger,’ he could not longer endure and said to Mr Knight, ‘I asked the commandos to set off right now!’






Mr Knight said: ‘Calm down, Clark.’

Clark was silent, and he knew that Mr Knight to be right. Now, all anxious mood was no help, after he reluctantly waved his fist in the air.

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After five minutes Mr Knight said: ‘Remembering, don't be impatient! Ready to go!’


Clark was running to the rendezvous point of commandos, met with Doyle Second Lieutenant and all the players of second team.




Doyle Second Lieutenant looks very strong, he and other soldiers were all in battle dress. Chief of Marines Corps had told him that Clark is the commander with this action.

Clark told Doyle that he must accord the requirements of the Woodpecker Plan occupation The Tunnel of Life, and attention to protect our agent if she had an accident.

The first team had set out as to boat embarkation. The commandos of second team also rode two motor boats just to Nicholas south island.


In night after the overtime work, the time was close to twenty three o'clock, Emily would take a phone to Clark in accordance with the contract, this is probably the conversation before the final phase of Woodpecker Plan to start. After carefully through the telephone, Emily knew the last moment has arrived. At that moment, but someone knocked on her door, then she had to suspend the contact with Clark. She pushed the signal repeater that disguised as a cloisonne jewelry box behind the curtain, then walked over and opened the door.




What annoying Gove is! Emily's eyebrows were to tense wrinkly.

Mr Gove said: ‘Joy, I think you have changed.’

‘I did not change,’ Emily said, ‘I had promise to you, will give you a satisfactory explanation,isn’t it?’




‘You're ducking!’

‘No! I don't avoid.’

‘Don't you think we should sit down and talk about it?’





At this moment, Emily glanced at quartz clock that on the wall is fifteen past twenty three o'clock, she said: ‘Well! I can talk with you tomorrow, to give you a satisfactory answer, but today is too late.’

‘Tomorrow? Await until tomorrow? No! I will get the answer today.’ Gove forced to come up.

‘Gove! What do you want to do?’ Emily backed with the panic.

‘Don't want to do!’ Gove grabbed to Emily, and he wanted to kiss her forcefully.



Emily slanted her head towards the other side, and emphatically to push.

Somehow, the powerful arms of Gove suddenly lost power, he stared at Emily's neck as if thinking of one thing.


In the past, the Gove read all over the body of Joy more than once, when his eyes stay in the left behind the ear of Joy, it will see a slightly protruding black mole. Now, this black mole was lost by Joy at what time, and has no marks on the skin. He began to see that he has been in a scam at these days.





Gove vigorously shook Emily’s shoulders, and he shouted: ‘Where's Joy?’

‘Release me!’ Emily cried, ‘After release me I will tell you.’

Gove loosened the hands.

Emily clear up the messy dress, leisurely to say: ‘Yes, I am not your joy. Your joy is safe, and now she is in our hands, as long as you behave I can guarantee that you will be able to see her tomorrow.’

注 [1]“拿骚”号是美国二十世纪八十年代制造的几艘“塔拉瓦”级两栖作战攻击舰中的第五艘。
