

作者:谷主2020 | 分类:游戏 | 字数:29.2万


书名:最后的秘境五幽灵岛 作者:谷主2020 字数:10958 更新时间:2024-10-11 09:34:11



雪莉看着海面,感慨地说:“How beautiful it is!If I had died last night,I wouldn't have seen the scenery today.(这多美啊!我要是昨晚就死了,也就看不到今天的风景了。)”

凯丽拂了拂被海风吹得飘扬着的头发,微笑着说:“Don't worry,you won't die.(放心吧,你死不了的。)”侧头朝着弗兰克一点,“He won't let you die(他也不会让你死的。)”

雪莉微微一笑:“Thanks to you.(多亏了有你们。)”

弗兰克走了过来,关切地问道:“Shirley!How are you feeling?(雪莉!你感觉怎么样了?)”

雪莉笑道:“Nothing much,just hungry.(没什么事了,就是肚子好饿。)”

凯丽大笑着说:“Can't you get hungry?I'm hungry.(能不饿吗?我也饿。)”

高晓飞凑了过来,也笑着说:“I'm hungry,too!(我也饿啊!)”







只见托雷斯从驾驶室一路走了上来,看着一大桌的美食惊叹道:“Oh my god!This is so moving!(噢天呐!这太让人感动了!)”

高晓飞一边吃,一边含糊不清地问道:“Torres!!!You're on.Why is the boat still moving?(托雷斯!你上来了,怎么船还在前进?)”


弗兰克解释道:“The explorer is equipped with a high-powered autopilot that automatically locates itself by satellite and is connected to the ship's cruise control system,but it can only travel on a given course,and the driver can leave the cockpit once it is set correctly.(探险者号安装配备了高性能的自动驾驶仪,能依照卫星自动定位,连接着船上的巡航控制系统,但这也只能根据既定航线行驶,只要准确做好设定后,驾驶员就可以离开驾驶座。)”

高晓飞惊叹不已,竖起大拇指说:“Too high technology!Great!(太高科技了!了不起!)”










雪莉听着旋律,笑着说:“The melody of Chinese songs is also very cheerful,kelly!You can make him sing to you every day.(中国歌曲的旋律也很欢快,凯丽!你以后可以让他天天唱歌给你听。)”

凯丽笑道:“Forget it!He used to kill people by singing,but now he has improved a little.If he had his voice before,it would not be seagulls eating fish today,but fish eating seagulls.(还是算了吧!他以前唱歌可会要人命,现在进步了一点,要是以前的嗓门啊,今天就不会是海鸥吃鱼,而是鱼吃海鸥了。)”


高晓飞哈哈大笑:“She meant that if it had been my old voice,the sea gulls would have been killed by my voice and dropped into the sea to feed the fish.(她是说,如果是我以前的嗓音,这一大片海鸥都会被我的声音吓死,而掉进海里喂鱼。)”

弗兰克哈哈大笑:“Xiao-fei gao!Did you really have that horrible voice?(高晓飞!你以前的声音真有这么难听吗?)”

雪莉耸了耸肩膀,不可思议地摇了摇头:“That's an exaggeration!(这也太夸张了吧!)”

高晓飞笑着问:“Do you think I sound bad?(你们觉得我唱得难听吗?)”

雪莉笑着摇了摇头:“Not bad!(不难听啊。)”

弗兰克摊了摊双手:“But what are you singing?(可你唱的是什么?)”

高晓飞指了指海面上满天的海鸥,笑着说:“What I sing is a Chinese children's song praising seagulls,saying that seagulls are our friends.(我唱的是一首赞美海鸥的中国儿歌,说海鸥是我们的朋友。)”跟着又唱了两句,“海鸥海鸥我们的朋友,你是我们的好朋友……”

弗兰克一脸惊恐地看着高晓飞:“Seagulls are our friends?Are you sure?(海鸥是我们的朋友?你确定?)”

高晓飞笑着摊了摊双手:“That's what the song say.(歌里是这么唱的。)”

“No,no,no.(不不不。)”弗兰克摇了摇头说,“In the coastal cities of England,France,and Mexico,gulls are not considered friends.They are simply a pack of hungry,winged wolves that will do whatever it takes to eat them.(在英国、法国和墨西哥许多的沿海城市里,人们都不会把海鸥当成朋友;简单来说,它们就是一群长着翅膀的饿狼,为了吃可以做到不择手段,不是猛禽,胜似猛禽,而且还攻击人类。)”

“Seagulls,attacking humans?(海鸥,还攻击人类?)”这回轮到高晓飞不可思议了。

“yes(是的。)”弗兰克说,“Many people may think that since seagulls are seabirds,they usually catch fish to eat.But in fact,these birds really aren't picky about what they eat,maybe even more so than you are.They will accept almost anything they can swallow,whether it is flying in the sky,running on the ground or swimming in the water.This group of foodies almost have no taboos.(很多人可能认为,海鸥既然是海鸟,平时它们也就捉捉鱼吃。但实际上,这群鸟真的不挑食,可能比你还不挑食。几乎只要能吞进去的东西,它们都来者不拒,不管是天上飞的,地上跑的,水里游的,这群吃货几乎没有什么忌口,看见就吞,毫无鸟性可言。)”

高晓飞笑道:“It's just the law of nature,the law of the jungle.(这也只是自然法则,弱肉强食嘛。)”

弗兰克摇头说道:“Of course,these are natural laws.However,this is not the end of the birds,the birds do not want to be bound by nature,their ultimate dream,is to be a group of happy fat house.They like chips,chips,hamburgers,curries and ice cream just like you.It has been reported that a seagull fell into a curry pot to eat a variety of curry.(当然,这些都是自然法则。但是,并不是这样就结束了,这群鸟根本就不愿意被自然所束缚,它们的终极梦想,是当一群快乐肥宅。它们和你一样,也爱吃薯片,爱吃薯条,爱吃汉堡,爱吃咖喱,还喜欢吃冰淇淋。曾经有报道说,一只海鸥为了吃咖喱,直接掉进了咖喱锅里,吃到变种。)”

“哈哈哈哈!”听得高晓飞、凯丽和雪莉哈哈大笑。“Sounds like a cute bunch of silly birds.(听起来觉得这群傻鸟还是挺可爱的嘛。)”

弗兰克也笑了起来,继续又说:“But if you live in a coastal city or travel,you may not think so.Because this flock of birds found that picking up other people's leftovers every time is too passive,simply take the initiative to eat the freshest.Hence the emergence of a large group of rogues with wings,whose crimes are generally divided into two categories:stealing and robbing.(但如果你生活在沿海城市,或者去旅游,可能就不会这么想了。因为这群鸟发现,每次都捡别人吃剩下的东西,实在是太被动了,干脆就主动出击,吃最新鲜的。于是,一群长了翅膀的大型流氓团伙就出现了,它们的犯罪手段一般分为两种,就是偷和抢。)”

高晓飞笑道:“Pretty good!Actually dare to steal dare to rob.(还挺能耐的嘛!居然还敢偷敢抢?)”

弗兰克说:“Seagulls who choose to steal food will generally sneak into other people's homes when they are not looking,and scrape from home,and turn the whole house upside down.Also pet food to eat at home,encounter the unintelligent cat unintelligent dog,also is to dare not say,if the tastes are picky,directly go to the store the place such as supermarket,food variety,find a oneself to like to eat,go pick up,will also make shelf,make the goods all over the ground,but most of the seagull is not so good temper,they feel with a group of flightless fools have nothing to be polite,want what things let's grab directly.So,if you find someone eating outside,the group will wait for an opportunity,as long as you dare to take out,he will dare to rob,the whole process requires a fast,accurate,hard,**ooth operation,generally very skilled.And a lot of times they do it in groups,and they seem very powerful.(选择偷东西吃的海鸥,一般会趁人不注意,偷偷溜进别人家,从家中搜刮一番,把整个家全部翻乱;还抢家里宠物的粮食吃,碰到怂猫怂狗,也都是敢怒不敢言;如果口味比较挑剔的,直接去商店超市等场所,食物品种多样,找一个自己喜欢吃的,叼起来就走,还会把货架弄翻,把货物弄得满地都是。但是大多数海鸥并没有那么好的性子,它们觉得跟这群不会飞的傻子没有什么好客气的,想要什么东西咱们直接抢啊。于是,一旦发现有人在户外吃东西,这群家伙就会伺机而动,只要你敢拿出来,它就敢抢,整个过程讲究一个快、准、狠,操作行云流水,一般都非常熟练。而且他们很多时候都是组团作案,看上去十分强势。)”


“Gull the most like to eat,that is,ice cream,many visitors in the seaside,said before a second also want to take a photo of his own hands of ice cream,the next second shot a bird in the head,no matter who you are,as long as you ice cream in hand walk in the crowd,the sea gulls will can lock you,without saying,come up to rob.(海鸥最喜欢吃的,也就是冰淇淋。许多在海边玩的游客都表示,前一秒还想给自己手里的冰淇淋拍个照片,下一秒镜头里就出现了一只鸟头,不管你是谁,只要你手里拿着冰淇淋走在人群里,这群海鸥就一定可以锁定你,二话不说,上来就抢。)”

凯丽笑道:“In fact,the reason why the seagulls are so lawless is because the tourists actively feeding.(其实,海鸥之所以这么无法无天,都是因为游客们主动喂食导致的。)”

弗兰克笑道:“That,of course,is one reason why many coastal cities have put up signs warning people not to feed the gulls,not to eat outside,and to risk fines if anyone breaks the rules and feeds them without permission.(这当然也是原因之一,所以,许多沿海城市都竖起了标语,提醒人们千万不要喂食海鸥,而且尽量不要在户外进食,如果有人违反规定,擅自喂它们吃的,可能还要面临罚款。)”

雪莉笑着摇头说:“But there must be a lot of people out of curiosity,offered to feed seagulls.(但肯定还是有不少人出于好奇,主动喂海鸥食物。)”

高晓飞笑道:“Should be the friends of these seagulls have thicker skin,how to drive all can not go,and they also gradually found that human beings do not have any threat to them,but become more brazen.(应该是这些海鸥朋友的脸皮比较厚,怎么赶都赶不走,而它们也渐渐发现,人类对它们根本就没有任何威胁,反而变得更加肆无忌惮。)”

弗兰克笑着摇头:“For a long time,in many coastal cities can hear seagulls hurtful news,most of which are brought about because of food,there are many gulls are hurt children,after all the seagulls don't silly,also know to compare good humiliate of **all stature,and in general are the organizer,once a little boy,because the ice cream in hand,by three seagulls siege,eyes almost could not.(长期以来,在很多的沿海城市都可以听见海鸥伤人的新闻,其中大部分都是因为食物导致的。有不少被海鸥弄伤的都是小孩子,毕竟海鸥也不傻,也知道个子小的比较好欺负,而且一般都是组团上。曾经就有个小男孩,因为手中拿着冰淇淋,被三只海鸥围攻,眼睛险些被抓瞎。)”

雪莉接过话说:“I also read the news about two pet dogs that were pecked to death by seagulls.Both dogs were playing in their yards and were then beaten to death by a group of seagulls.There have also been reports of seagulls attacking pupils and teachers at a school in the UK,leading to recess times and pupils being afraid to go to the playground,while whitehaven has said seagulls are killing touri**.Because locals report that the gulls fight for food from humans,peck humans and pets with their beaks,and rummaged through trash,the entire town is so unwelcoming to tourists that people see them as public enemy no.1.(我也看过新闻,有两起家中的宠物狗被海鸥啄死。两只狗都是在自家院子中玩耍,随后被一群海鸥围殴致死。还有新闻报道过,英国有一所学校的学生们,饱受海鸥的困扰。这些海鸥会主动袭击学生和教师,导致休息时间,学生们不敢去操场玩耍;而英国的怀特黑文镇也曾经表示,英国的海鸥正在扼杀当地的旅游业。因为当地人反映,这群海鸥从人类手中争抢食物,用嘴去啄人类和宠物,而且还喜欢去翻垃圾,搞得整个小镇环境非常差,游客都不敢来,所以,人们都将海鸥视为头号公敌。)”

高晓飞哭笑不得,苦着脸叹道:“So,they have done so many bad things ah!(原来,它们都干了这么多的坏事啊!)”


弗兰克又笑道:“But they are not without benefits.Sailors know that if the seagulls fly close to the surface of the sea,the weather will be fine in the future,and if they wander along the sea,the weather will get worse.If seagulls fly high out of the water and flock from the sea to the sea,or flock of seagulls gather on the beach and in the cracks in the rocks,it is a sign of an approaching storm.(不过它们也不是没有好处,航海的人都知道,如果海鸥贴近海面飞行,那么未来的天气将是晴好的;如果它们沿着海边徘徊,那么天气将会逐渐变坏;如果海鸥离开水面,高高飞翔,成群结队地从大海远处飞向海边,或者成群的海鸥聚集在沙滩上和岩石缝里,则预示着暴风雨即将来临。)”

高晓飞笑道:“Not bad,not good for nothing!(还好,还不算一无是处。)”





问天拿着望远镜从下面走了上来:“Target spotted in front of us.(前方海面上发现目标。)”他举着望远镜看了一会,交给了靠近身边的弗兰克,指着前方说,“Eleven o'clock(十一点方向。)”

弗兰克接过望远镜看了起来,说:“It's an island.(是一座小岛。)”

雪莉激动地说:“Is it ghost island?(是幽灵岛?)”

“No.(不。)”弗兰克摇了摇头说:“I've seen ghost island with my own eyes, but it's surrounded by fog and heat, and you can't see land. It's not.(我曾亲眼看见过幽灵岛,但那四面都处在大雾热浪的笼罩之中,根本就看不见岛屿陆地,这个不是。)”

“Come on,let's get out of the cab.(走吧,我们下驾驶室。)”问天一招手,领先走了下去。

“It was an uninhabited island,unmarked on nautical maps and never navigable.(这是一个无人荒岛,航海地图上也没有标识,导航上也从没有出现过。)”托雷斯说。

问天点了点头:“Okay,we're getting closer.(好,我们靠近了看看。)”



“上去是必然的,但也要先了解了解。”问天侧身问道:“Frank!Torres!!!What do you think?(弗兰克!托雷斯!你们怎么认为?)”

弗兰克和托雷斯对望了一眼,诚恳地对问天说:“Xiao eldest brother!We make decisions about navigation and action.You are in charge.We are at your disposal.(萧大哥!航行上的事我们拿主意,行动上的事,你来全权作主,我们都听你的。)”(未完待续)