

作者:小肥滚来了 | 分类: | 字数:164万

第20章 决战20

书名:离开悟空后,悟饭无敌 作者:小肥滚来了 字数:24831 更新时间:2024-10-26 02:34:09

Vegeta had been right all along. 维吉塔一直都是对的。

He didn\u0027t live in a just world – he lived in the Cold world. 他生活在一个不公正的世界,一个寒冷的世界。

Not even a peaceful planet like Earth was safe from the inevitable as long as Frieza was around. 只要弗利萨还在,即使是像地球这样和平的星球也无法逃脱不可避免的命运。

And it looked like it was staying that way for the foreseeable future. 而且看起来未来的情况仍将如此。

The subject of his desolate musings took a seat right next to him, his legs leisurely crossed. 他黯然沉思的对象就坐在他旁边,一腿悠闲地交叉。

Gohan kept his eyes straight ahead. 悟饭直视前方。

\"A real beauty, isn\u0027t it?\" Frieza marveled. \"真是美丽,不是吗?\" 弗利萨惊叹道。

\"One of the universe\u0027s most ubiquitous, delightful paintings.\" \"宇宙中最普遍、最令人愉悦的画作之一。

Breathe in, breathe out. 吸气,呼气。

That\u0027s what Gohan tried to do, even though the sound of his heartbeat rang as loud in his ears as that poisonous voice. 这就是悟饭尽力做的,尽管他的心跳声在他耳中响起,就像那毒舌一样响亮。

\"Have you ever been curious, Gohan, why it is that I do what I do?\" \"悟饭,你有没有好奇过,我为什么要做我所做的事情呢?\"

Silence. 沉默。

\"Not as talkative anymore, are we? Well, if you would allow me a moment, I shall explain anyway. \"不再健谈了吗?好吧,如果你愿意给我一点时间,我会解释一下。

You see, young lad, my family came from a line of mutants among my race, my father being the strongest of all the generations that preceded him. 年轻人,你要知道,我的家族是我们种族中的变种一脉,我父亲是前辈中最强大的。 Much like you had once, he had been shipwrecked on a planet one day and, left to fend for himself, defeated every inhabitant that threatened him and found one of those delightful aubergine roses that earned him an embarrassment of riches. 就像你曾经一样,他有一天也在一颗星球上遭遇了船难,他被迫自谋生计,打败了威胁他的每一个居民,并找到了一朵美丽的紫茄子花,这使他得到了丰厚的财富。 It was then that he realized the universe was just a giant garden of roses waiting to be plucked, and the rest was, as we say, history. 就在那时,他意识到宇宙就像一个等待被采摘的巨大玫瑰花园,剩下的,正如我们所说,就成为了历史。

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Gohan wanted to throw up. 悟饭感到恶心。

\"My reasons specifically are rather blasé. 我的原因相当无聊。

My father started the force, my brother inherited a portion, and naturally I was next in line. 我父亲创办了势力,我兄弟继承了一部分,而我自然而然地排在了下一位。

But I confess, I actually was less interested in the crass, brutish ways of my two elders. 但是我得承认,我对我两个长辈的粗野、野蛮方式实际上不太感兴趣。

I preferred to indulge in life\u0027s pleasures, leaving my ambitions more on the aristocratic side of the coin. 我更喜欢纵情享受生活的乐趣,让我的野心更倾向于贵族一方。

Frieza\u0027s chummy tone decayed as he went on. 弗利萨的亲密口吻在他继续说话时变得冷淡了。

\"But my brother, among other people, wasn\u0027t too fond of my desires. \"但是我的兄弟,还有其他人,对我的欲望并不太赞同。

I was insulted, pushed around, lambasted with insults and names – \u0027sissy,\u0027 that was always the most popular one. 我受到了侮辱、推来推去,被侮辱和骂名——“娘娘腔”,那总是最受欢迎的一个。

Freezypops, the Sissy. 冷冻棒,娘娘腔。

Gohan clawed the fabric of his clothes, feeling ready to explode at any second. 悟饭用手抓住衣服的面料,感觉随时都要爆发出来。

\"And so,\" Frieza continued, his eyes narrowing, \"I decided I would show him and anyone else how little of a \u0027sissy\u0027 I really was. \"因此,\"弗利萨继续说道,眼睛眯了起来,\"我决定要向他和其他人展示我真正不是一个‘娘娘腔’。

I would be the most brutal, the most sadistic, the most cutthroat emperor of them all, until nobody dared throw dirt on my name or my eccentricities without 我将成为他们所有人中最残忍、最虐待狂、最无情的皇帝,直到没有人敢对我的名字或我的古怪行为进行中伤。

paying dearly. 代价惨重。 And now, here we are. 现在,我们来到了这里。

Frieza turned towards Gohan as if the Saiyan wasn\u0027t itching to kill him, but merely conducting a cover story. 弗利萨转向悟饭,仿佛赛亚人并不急于杀死他,而只是在进行一场掩饰故事。 \"I believe that\u0027s why I became so intrigued by you, young lad! I see a bit of myself in you – somebody who was pushed around at every turn, thrust into a world of violence, and just needed that taste of power for once in his miserable life to realize his ruthless potential. “我相信这就是为什么我对你如此感兴趣,年轻人!我在你身上看到了一点自己的影子——一个在每一个转折点都受到推搡,被推入暴力世界的人,只是需要一次权力的体验,才能意识到他残酷的潜力。”

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Gohan\u0027s eyes drifted to his purple \u0026 gold armor. 悟饭的目光飘向他身上的紫金盔甲。 That blasted rose possessed the same colors and made him a target on Planet Zuna. 那该死的玫瑰具有相同的颜色,并让他成为了祖纳星上的目标。 Temporarily won him the graces of Frieza. 暂时赢得了弗利萨的欢心。 In a moment of weakness after witnessing a smattering of his true terror, Gohan sought the colors so he could feel powerful, too. 在亲眼目睹他真正的恐怖之后,悟饭在一瞬间的软弱中寻求那些颜色,这样他也能感受到力量。 He resigned himself to a life of murder even if he hated every last bit of it, because he was the rabbit, and goddammit, at least he had the gun. 即使他讨厌其中的每一个细节,他也将自己投入了一生的谋杀,因为他是兔子,该死的,至少他有枪。 His veins pulsed with resentment. 他的血管充满了怨恨。

\"If your life weren\u0027t doomed to end here, you would\u0027ve ended up just like me. “如果你的生命没有注定在这里结束,你最终会变得像我一样。 The power from Gohan\u0027s tail sprang back to life and the gold shade rekindled in his eyes. 悟饭尾巴的力量重新复苏,金色的阴影在他的眼中重新点燃。 \"SHUT UP!\" “闭嘴!”

He tried to punch Frieza again, but the tyrant had been expecting it, jumping up and letting him smash the bench in half. 他试图再次击打弗利萨,但暴君早有准备,跳了起来,让他将长椅打碎了一半。 Frieza fired a blast at Gohan and when it landed, it enveloped his entire body. 弗利萨向悟饭发射了一道能量波,当它着陆时,包围了他的整个身体。 Gohan found himself suspended in mid-air, unable to control his limbs. 悟饭发现自己悬浮在半空中,无法控制自己的四肢。

The sensation panicked him so much, he snapped out of his form again while his heart pumped relentlessly. 那种感觉让他感到恐慌,他再次恢复了原形,心脏不停地跳动。

Frieza kicked the ball around a few times in the air until he let it torpedo into the pavement, where it promptly exploded. 弗利萨在空中将球踢了几下,然后让它猛地撞向人行道,立即引发了爆炸。

After the dust cleared around him, Gohan lay right in the center of a crater in West City\u0027s streets. 当周围的尘埃消散后,悟饭躺在西都街道的一个弹坑中央。 Though alive and kicking, he lay in a fetal position crying angry tears. 虽然他还活着并且有活力,但他蜷缩在胎位中,流着愤怒的眼泪。 He possessed the strength left to stand, but no will. 他拥有站起来的力量,但没有意愿。

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\"Why…?\" he asked himself out loud. “为什么……?”他大声自问。 It wasn\u0027t a question of why this was happening; that much was obvious. 这不是在问为什么会发生这样的事情;那是显而易见的。 Frieza was just stronger, plain and simple. 弗利萨只是更强大,简单明了。 But what Gohan wanted to know was why his life had forged itself with such cruelty. 但是悟饭想知道的是为什么他的生活如此残酷。 Why had he pushed himself to survive such grueling wars? Why had he resigned himself to work for Frieza\u0027s wretched organization? Why had he devoted himself so much to training? 为什么他要推动自己去度过那么艰苦的战争?为什么他要接受为弗利萨那个可恶的组织工作?为什么他要如此全身心地投入训练?

Why was he ever born into this brutal, cold world? 为什么他要降生在这个残酷、冷酷的世界里?

Gohan cried, not as a warrior with wounded pride, but like a child who didn\u0027t know what else to do. 悟饭哭泣,不像一个受伤的战士,而更像是一个不知道该怎么办的孩子。

\"G-Gohan…\" Area whimpered, as she and the other warriors watched the miserable scene unfold. “悟饭……”阿瑞亚哭泣着,她和其他战士们看着这悲惨的场景展开。

\"He\u0027s done,\" Vegeta gravely declared. “他完了,”贝吉塔庄重地宣布。

Right next to them, red aura erupted around Goku. His face was one of protective fury. 紧挨着他们,红色的光环在悟空周围爆发。 他的脸上充满了保护之怒。

\"That\u0027s enough!\" Goku roared. He flew down to attack Frieza on his son\u0027s behalf. “够了!”悟空怒吼道。 他飞下去代表他的儿子攻击弗利萨。

\"Well hell, it\u0027s gonna end as well for Goku as it did for Gohan and Vegeta, so we might as well go for broke,\" Krillin said. He turned around, and looked at his fellow Earthlings. \"Whatever happens from here, happens!\" And like lambs to slaughter, the Earthlings followed Goku\u0027s lead. “嘿,看来对于悟空来说,结局和悟饭、贝吉塔一样糟糕,所以我们不妨全力以赴。”克林说道。 他转过身,看着其他地球人。 “从现在开始,发生什么事情就让它发生吧!”就像羔羊走向屠宰场一样,地球人跟随悟空的领导。

That left just Arepa, who was still holding Vegeta up. She looked at Gohan, seized by his cries, and knew that she couldn\u0027t just float idly while he suffered. She turned towards Vegeta. 那只剩下阿瑞亚,她仍然支撑着贝吉塔。 她看着悟饭,被他的哭声所打动,知道她不能在他受苦时袖手旁观。 她转向贝吉塔。

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\"You good to fly on your own?\" \"Whatever. If you want to die an idiot, go right ahead,\" Vegeta grumbled. “你自己能飞吗?” “随便。” “如果你想像个白痴一样去死,就继续吧。”贝吉塔咕哝道。

With a sigh, Arepa let Vegeta go. 叹了口气,阿瑞亚放开了贝吉塔。

She fastened herself to join the empty resistance, but not before turning around to face the Saiyan with a resentful scowl. \"Y\u0027know, Vegeta, I always thought you were tough as nails. I guess not.\" 她迅速加入了空洞的抵抗,但在转身面对贝吉塔之前,她带着愤恨的怒视。 “你知道吗,贝吉塔,我一直以为你硬得像钉子一样。 看来不是这样。”

She left Vegeta to stew over her scathing words. 她让贝吉塔继续纠结于她刻薄的话语。

With Goku leading the charge, the Earthlings plus a humanoid girl began their assault. Only Master Roshi held off, having been set down by Lapis. Goku pounded Frieza with bursts of Kaio-Ken even higher than ten, while the others fired their own unique blasts. Frieza shook every attack off like they came from a feather, even laughing like they tickled. A few shockwaves sent them away. 在悟空带领下,地球人和一个人形女孩开始了他们的进攻。 只有武天老师没有参与,因为他被拉比斯放下。 悟空用超过十级的界王拳猛攻弗利萨,而其他人则发射了自己独特的能量弹。 弗利萨轻松抵挡每一次攻击,甚至嘲笑地像是在被挠痒痒。 几股冲击波将他们击退。

Gohan finally found the will to stand up and leave his crater, but when he saw the fighters getting struck down one by one, he collapsed onto his hands and knees. If it didn\u0027t matter what he did, it didn\u0027t matter what any of them did, either. He could hardly even hear all of the beams, explosions, and bone crunching hits over the sound of his distressed, erratic breathing. It felt like the city was crumbling around him, even though nothing had moved. 悟饭终于找到了站起来离开坑洞的意愿,但当他看到战士们一个接一个地被击倒时,他跌坐在地,双手撑在膝盖上。 如果他所做的一切都没有意义,那么他们所做的一切也没有意义。 他几乎听不到所有的光束、爆炸和骨头碎裂声,因为他困扰不安、呼吸紊乱的声音压过了一切。 尽管没有任何事物移动,但他感觉城市正在崩溃。

Against Heavy Z, against Dodoria, against Avacado, he kept fighting even though he knew he couldn\u0027t win. Because he had a higher purpose in mind. A goal. He had to live so he could give himself the fighting chance to finally rival Frieza. 面对重装战士Z、多多利亚和阿瓦卡多,尽管知道自己无法获胜,他仍然继续战斗。 因为他有一个更高的目标。 一个目标。 他必须活下去,以便给自己争取与弗利萨一决胜负的机会。

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But that dream, like he and everyone else were soon to be, was dead. 他和其他人即将成为过去,那个梦想也破灭了。

He had nothing to fight for anymore. 他再也没有什么可为之奋斗的了。

He had wasted his entire life for a hopeless battle. 他为了一个没有希望的战斗浪费了自己的一生。

Against his better judgement, Gohan looked up at the battle through his glassy, watery eyes. 不顾他更理智的判断,悟饭透过他湿润的眼睛仰望着战斗。

The short little doll-like being, Chiaotzu, had been launched into orbit like a ball. 那个像玩偶一样矮小的小家伙,饺子,被像球一样发射到了轨道上。

\"S-Stop…\" Gohan pleaded. \"停下来……\"悟饭请求道。

It wasn\u0027t to Frieza – he could never listen to reason. 他并不是在对弗利萨说,因为他永远听不进去理性的话。

It was a plea to everyone else to stop wasting their lives when he and Vegeta were Frieza\u0027s only real targets. 这是对其他人的请求,让他们停止浪费生命,因为他和贝吉塔是弗利萨唯一真正的目标。

Krillin, Lazuli\u0027s husband who had been there the day Gohan was first kidnapped, actually managed to chop off a piece of Frieza\u0027s tail with his Kienzan technique. 在悟饭首次被绑架的那天在场的拉祖利的丈夫克林,实际上用他的气刃技术切断了弗利萨的一截尾巴。

He earned a beam through his leg for his effort. 为此,他的腿被一道光束射穿。

\"Stop!\" \"停下来!\"

Furious over Krillin being incapacitated, Lapis and Lazuli jumped in with twin blasts that went nowhere. 对克林被击倒感到愤怒,拉皮斯和拉祖利用他们的双重爆破加入战斗,但却无功而返。

Frieza took them down with twin blasts of his own. 弗利萨用自己的双重爆破将他们击倒。

\"Stop!\" \"停下来!\"

And Goku, the father that had been too weak to protect Gohan all the way back then, certainly tried his hardest. 尽管那时的悟空作为父亲太弱无法保护悟饭,但他肯定尽了最大的努力。

He fired a Kamehameha that lit the entire city up, but was summarily dismissed. 他发出了一记亮起整个城市的亲龙波,但被轻易地无视了。

When he tried taking him hand to hand, Frieza easily got the better of him. 当他试图近身战斗时,弗利萨轻松地占了上风。

He wasn\u0027t even sweating, instead cackling and enjoying himself like a child playing a video game. 他甚至没有出汗,而是咯咯笑着,像一个玩电子游戏的孩子一样享受着。

\"STOP!\" \"停下来!\"

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They finally listened, even Frieza. 他们终于听进去了,即使是弗利萨。

They all turned around at the sound of his screechy, agonizing cry. 在他尖叫、痛苦的哭声中,他们都转过身来。

Some were confused, but every last set of eyes save for one harbored sympathy for him as he cried amongst the remains of the city. 有些人感到困惑,但除了一个人外,每双眼睛都对他在城市的废墟中哭泣表示同情。

\"Why do you keep fighting…?!\" Gohan whimpered, dangerously close to choking on his own air. “你为什么还要继续战斗……?”悟饭呜咽着,几乎要被自己的呼吸堵住。

\"It\u0027s…it\u0027s all over…it\u0027s all over…!\" “已经结束了……已经结束了……!”

Arepa left the fight, floating down and landing a few feet away. 阿雷帕离开了战斗,漂浮下来,落在几英尺之外。

Seeing Gohan in such a miserable state had left her nearly as hurt. 看到悟饭如此痛苦的状态使她几乎也受伤了。

For the first time, her ice-shaded eyes shed tears of her own. 第一次,她冰冷的眼睛流下了自己的眼泪。

\"Gohan…this ain\u0027t you, man.\" “悟饭……这不是你,伙计。”

She walked over to him and bent onto one knee, grabbing his shivering arm. 她走到他身边,单膝跪下,抓住他颤抖的胳膊。

For once, her presence had done nothing to calm him down, if anything filling him with even more grief. 这一次,她的存在没有让他平静下来,反而让他充满了更多的悲伤。

\"Since when does a Saiyan ask why somebody\u0027s fightin\u0027, huh? You\u0027re supposed to fight when it don\u0027t make sense. When there\u0027s nothin\u0027 to gain.\" “从什么时候起,赛亚人会问为什么别人在战斗呢?你们应该在没有意义、没有收获的时候战斗。”

\"It doesn\u0027t matter,\" Gohan hissed. “没关系。”悟饭咬牙切齿地说道。

She pressed her forehead against Gohan\u0027s, closing her eyes while his sobs intensified. 她把前额贴在悟饭的前额上,闭上眼睛,而他的哭声越来越大。

\"You can\u0027t go out like this, Gohan…you think I\u0027ve been doin\u0027 this all for just me?\" She bit her lip, trying not to embarrass herself. \"I…I love you, Gohan.\" “悟饭,你不能这样结束……你以为我一直在这样做只是为了我自己吗?”她咬住嘴唇,试图不让自己尴尬。“我……我爱你,悟饭。”

That phrase again. It sounded a lot less accidental and awkward than their last conversation ten months earlier. It was a genuine declaration. And yet, not even that could lift Gohan. 那句话又出现了。它听起来比十个月前他们的最后一次谈话要少了一些偶然和尴尬,更像是真诚的宣言。然而,即使是这样,悟饭也无法振作起来。

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\"And I\u0027m sure he loves you, too.\" “我相信他也爱你。”

Frieza was right behind her. 弗利萨就在她的身后。

Arepa backed away from Gohan, her eyes bulging in horror. 奥瑞帕从悟饭身后退开,眼睛惊恐地凸出。

Her breaths grew just as heavy as she rubbed her hands all over herself just to verify that she hadn\u0027t been impaled. 她喘息沉重,双手紧紧抓住自己的身体,仔细检查是否被刺穿。

\"Ah, Arepa, how rude of you not to say hello,\" Frieza sighed. “啊,奥瑞帕,你竟然没有打招呼,真是太失礼了。”弗利萨叹了口气。

\"Such a bothersome troublemaker. The remaining breadcrumb from one of my most grievous oversights. I should have known not to graciously allow you in my organization.\" “真是一个讨厌的捣蛋鬼。你是我最严重疏忽的事故中留下的最后一个面包屑。我早该知道不该容忍你加入我的组织。”

A purple blade of Ki took form around Frieza\u0027s cold, grey hand. 弗利萨的冷漠灰手中凝聚出一把紫色的气刃。

Arepa was too captured by fear to move. 奥瑞帕被恐惧所束缚,无法移动。

\"But alas, it\u0027s never too late to correct my mistakes.\" “但遗憾的是,纠正我的错误从未为时过晚。”

He lifted his arm, but never got a chance to swing it down. 他抬起手臂,但从未有机会挥动下去。

A white boot from a set of legs wrapped in blue tights kicked him away. 一只穿着蓝紧身裤的腿踢开了他。

Vegeta, his body limp, and blood still oozing from a few holes his arms and legs, stood firm like he wasn\u0027t hanging by a thread. 维吉塔的身体无力,血液仍然从他的胳膊和腿上的几个洞口渗出,但他站得坚定,就像他没有濒临崩溃的边缘。

He yanked his gloves off and squeezed his fists like he was ready to fight for ten eternities. 他把手套脱下来,紧握双拳,就像他准备战斗十个永恒。

His eyes, bloodshot and pulsing from their sockets, burned with a true Saiyan\u0027s flames. 他的眼睛充血,从眼眶中跳动,燃烧着纯粹赛亚人的火焰。

\"You little rat bastard,\" Vegeta snarled. \"我这该死的小老鼠。\"维吉塔咆哮道。 \"I\u0027ll take you to hell with me!\" \"我会把你带到地狱!\"

\"Silly Vegeta…\"

超越维吉塔、奥瑞帕和悟饭的视力范围,弗利萨又回到了维吉塔的面前。 他用充满气的手穿过维吉塔的盔甲,插进他的胃里,浸满了赛亚人的鲜血。

\"Your entire life has been in hell with me.\" \"你的整个生命都与我一同在地狱中。\"

His eyes glazing over, Vegeta sputtered blood onto Frieza\u0027s face. 他的眼神变得迷离,维吉塔向弗利萨的脸上喷洒鲜血。 Ever the sadist, Frieza licked it up and dug his hand deeper into the Saiyan prince\u0027s guts. 弗利萨依然是一个虐待狂,舔起了血迹,将手深深伸入赛亚人王子的内脏中。

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\"Tell your father hi for me, will you? I hope you enjoy the-\"

Another Saiyan boot hit Frieza, but it wasn\u0027t Goku. 另一只赛亚人的靴子踢中了弗利萨,但并不是悟空。 His panic attack a distant memory, Gohan was clobbering Frieza with golden eyes and green aura fueling him again. 他的惊恐已成为遥远的记忆,悟饭用金色的眼睛和绿色的气场再次痛击弗利萨。 After he kicked Frieza into the air, Goku phased behind the lizard to knock him right back to his son, providing a brutal assist while Gohan gathered his energy. 在将弗利萨踢上天空后,悟空穿过弗利萨的身后,将他击回给儿子,为悟饭提供了残酷的援助,同时悟饭积蓄能量。

\"KA…ME…\" Lapis and Lazuli dove in and drove four feet into Frieza\u0027s back.


\"HA…ME…\" Hobbling through his knee injury, Krillin kicked Frieza like a soccer ball, speeding up his spiraling flight towards the half-Saiyan.


\"HAAAAA!\" Another blast, another direct hit. The ensuing explosion was twice as large, knocking even Gohan off of his feet.


By the time the light show ceased, he had powered back down to normal, his body unbearably hot and sore.


It was just like the old days – Vegeta\u0027s often foolish bravery injecting Gohan with confidence. The possibility of his and Arepa\u0027s deaths was all he needed to spring back to action.


But Gohan\u0027s brief moment of valor was for naught. \"You\u0027ve gotta be shittin\u0027 me,\" Goku murmured.


There he was, Frieza, floating amongst the smoke, his left hand with a vice grip around his extended, searing right hand.


His body shook with bewilderment, tenuously chained rage etched across his face.


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Despite appearing genuinely frazzled for the first time before Gohan\u0027s eyes, the bastard had tanked his best attack with little effort.


\"You simian trash…\" Frieza seethed. \"That hurt…!\"

\"你这些类人废物...\" 弗利萨咬牙切齿地说道。 \"那真的很痛...!\"

Whatever trivial definition of pain Frieza was undergoing paled in parison to terror enrapturing all those in his opposition.


Everything that had been said about this monster may have been underselling him.


When he clenched his smoking fist and bore his teeth with Gohan in his psychotic line of sight, the rumblings of thunder and lightning paled to the storm brewing within his body.


\"IT HURT!\"


Frieza blazed towards Gohan, who had little energy left to defend himself.


Not that he wasn\u0027t ready to try.


He felt ashamed of himself for giving up – Piccolo and Vegeta hadn\u0027t taught him that way.


And so, with a challenging, determined scowl, he squeezed his quivering fists and braced himself for another rush of power.




Suddenly everyone looked up at the bald, three-eyed warrior named Tien, standing at the top of a skyscraper with his hands tented in a triangle formation.


Gohan and Vegeta squinted in bewilderment, wondering what the hell this Earthling had prepared.


\"HA!\" A yellow blast the size of an entire plaza slammed Frieza into the ground before he could reach Gohan.


The human, not the Saiyans, produced the most staggering explosion of the day, forcing Gohan and Arepa to take the skies.

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Arepa managed to pull Vegeta away as well.


In the aftermath of that bold blast, the street they had just been fighting on was no more. In its wake was a mile-wide that seemingly had no end.


\"HA!\" Tien fired another blast just as huge into the void he created. From its depths, a shriek of agony from Frieza\u0027s voice echoed. And then he did it again!


\"Are you nuts, Tien?!\" Krillin screamed. \"You\u0027re gonna burn yourself out!\"


\"Don\u0027t worry about me!\" Tien screamed, his face burning into a crimson shade. \"Get your best attacks ready!\" He fired another blast.


Gohan looked down in awe. From what he sensed, the blasts weren\u0027t doing much to hurt Frieza as much as stifle him.


Tien\u0027s Ki burned dangerously; he wasn\u0027t just using his regular energy, but his very own life force.


If an Earthling was willing to put his life on the line for a fight that he was just a spectator for, how could Gohan not do the same?


Ignoring the protests of his body, Gohan unleashed his transformation one last time, tapping into the deepest reserves of his power.


\"It\u0027s all or nothing at this point!\" he yelled.


Goku dropped in as well, still enshrouded in red aura. \"That\u0027s Tien for ya. One helluva guy. I\u0027d start up a Spirit Bomb, but I don\u0027t know if it\u0027ll last.\"


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Vegeta elbowed himself out of Arepa\u0027s grip, still clutching his stomach while blood spilled down his chin.


\"Then just use the highest level of that godforsaken Kaio-whatever-the-fuck…\" The Prince of all Saiyans powered back up, even though he appeared on the verge of passing out at any given moment.


Gohan and Arepa shook their heads. They knew Vegeta had the durability of the universe\u0027s strongest metal, but he was taking it to absurd territories. But nearly forty years of living under Frieza\u0027s thumb armed him with a will that defied logic. They would all have to share it.


\"I guess now\u0027s a good time to try my move, too,\" Arepa said.


\"If everybody\u0027s got suicide attacks on their minds, I might as well give it a go.\"


While Arepa raised her arm to the rain clouds, Tien kept firing away.


Goku tore off his orange gi, leaving only his blue undershirt. With a weary smile, he took a deep breath.


\"Whelp, here goes nothin\u0027. Whether this works or not, I\u0027m glad I could do this with all of you guys. Even you, Vegeta.\"


\"Fuck off,\" Vegeta growled, raising one hand and empowering it with neon, electric Ki.


Gohan turned towards his father. His father looked back at him. Despite all of the pain, despite all of the torment, Gohan found it in himself to smile.


\"You\u0027ve done well, son.\"


Gohan nodded.


\"KAIO-KEN…TIMES TWENTY!\" Goku got in the stance for his signature technique, and he wasn\u0027t alone.


On the other side of the void, Yamcha, Krillin did the same. Hell, even from the ground, Master Roshi, the technique\u0027s creator, had swelled his muscles up and prepared his own attack.


Chiaotzu, Lapis and Lazuli charged up their own blasts as well.


Before they could fire, however, Tien reached the end of his rope. Unable to stand any longer, he fell from the top of the building.


\"Tien, no!\" Krillin and Chiaotzu shouted. \"I\u0027ve…done all…I can…\" Tien crashed into the ground.


Soon after, Frieza arose from the hole, looking frantically for the culprit of his detour. Gohan\u0027s heart pounded out of his chest.


\"Shit! He can just dodge all of us anyway!\" Arepa growled impatiently. \"Any time now, lightning!\"


Gohan, Goku, and Vegeta glanced at her confusion.


In all his time knowing her, Gohan thought of Arepa as just a standard fighter. Tenacious, but with no real refinement or special techniques.


What could she possibly have cooked up that could shift the tides, and why did it depend on the storm? When lightning struck, he got his answer.


All of the lightning bolts that struck from the clouds within the West City limits rerouted to one target, and one target only – Frieza.


The lizard had bee a literal lightning rod, shrieking in agony, seized in the grip of the strongest electric voltage nature had to offer.


\"HURRY THE FUCK UP!\" Arepa screamed, blood squirting from her arms as she continued channeling the sky\u0027s power. \"NOW!\" Goku yelled. \"KA…ME…!\"
